
Showing posts from 2015

Life in Pictures

I wanted to share some of the pictures of John that we had posted at his funeral. My brother Erik spent a good deal of time digitizing all the many photos that were taken mostly my by dad who was quite a shutter bug. As you can see, John was a happy and active young boy who grew up to be a caring and generous adult.

Remembering John Rosen-with Updated Links

John was beloved my many and knew no strangers. For those of you who may have missed the details surrounding his untimely death, I wanted to provide another place where you can learn about John and his life. Here is a link to John's Obituary. Also, here is a link to the eulogy I gave at his funeral. We miss John very much and I think about him every day. When I sit down on the bed in the morning and put my shoes on, I always think of him. Not only was he my brother but he was my first friend and my companion for many years. Please take a few minutes to check out the links above if you have not already. Thank you. #johnrosen5k

Welcome to the John Rosen Memorial 5K Blog

John passed away last April. We invite all his family and friends to come together to remember John and his life. We will be holding a 5K road race in his honor in mid to late October 2016 likely in the town of Vienna. As the details come together, we will update the Facebook page as well as the blog. Please visit us on Facebook at